What It's Like to Have Pea-Sized Confidence With Watermelon-Sized Boobs

For the first time in my life, I could feel my whole body listening. Go here. Come here. Be still. Take charge. Now one, two, three, fly. Like I had practiced as the drunk fawn, I tucked my chin and kicked my legs over my head. But this time Kia's hands were on me the whole time, turning me in the air like I was an anti-gravity baby. I slammed to the ground, screaming to sell the fall. The 12 other women pounded the floor with their feet and fists and howled at the ceiling. Then my moment was over and the next duo scrambled to the center of the ring, taunting an imaginary audience. We were all mermaids with muscle. I howled back at them.

Betty Gilpin, ladies and gentlemen. Turns out she's a damn fine writer, too.

GLOW is a hell of a thing. I stayed up too late last night finishing the first season, grinning like an idiot at her and Alison Brie and all of the others. And I haven't liked wrestling since I was 13.

Via MetaFilter.

Fuck Tweetstorms

I am holed up in my office with a migraine and this seems like a perfect time to discuss the most obnoxious and reader-hostile form of self-publishing ever devised, with examples from its patron saint.

The increasing devolution of my timeline into people shouting THREAD and unhelpfully linking the first tweet in the storm is a big part of what finally made me realize that Twitter wasn't doing much for my brain.

(What made this post an even better shitshow was that Google tried to force me to use an Amp link instead of the actual post, because Google, as we all know, is all about openness.)

Almost Certainly Unrelated Links

Fake George Lazenby: "The more sophisticated your interactions with the world become, the less worthwhile doing anything for its own sake begins to seem. Until play ceases to be the point of being awake and becomes instead the anesthetic that makes awareness bearable."

Eddie Smith: "And so when someone, even early in life, gets an itch to do something that doesn't conform to social stereotypes, it's met with a paralyzing mental dissonance. If America was a polytheist society, Risk would surely play a Satanic role." [Note: QUIT! is an excellent show. Highly recommended.]

Neil Gaiman: "'Kids are so much braver than adults, sometimes, and so much less easily disturbed,' he says. 'Kids will make their nightmares up out of anything, and the important thing in fiction, if you're giving them nightmares, is to demonstrate that nightmares are beatable.'" (via Merlin)

Li'l Ol' Me: "And, in that moment, it is 1977 and you are in your jammies waving a stick and going VOOM VOOM CSHHHH VOOM and you think holy shit, I never thought I'd get to feel this again and then, you know what? Let him freak out about nothing later. Because stuff like this is why."

Zack Weiner: "When they realized they were in the desert, they built a religion to worship thirstiness."