Let us resolve.
Let us resolve not to make bullshit resolutions we know we will not keep.
Let us resolve to know in our bones that change is hard and painful, that it must sneak up on us.
Let us resolve to accept that each of us is, in some way, kind of fucked.
Let us resolve to remember that not just of ourselves, but of others.
Let us resolve to sleep more.
Let us resolve to honor the people and things that we love in their time.
Let us resolve to find a way to spend at least part of our day doing more than just reacting.
Let us resolve to suck at it, but suck at it a bit less every time we try.
Let us resolve to put some skin in the game, any game.
Let us resolve not to parrot television douchebags or buy their "books".
Let us resolve not to treat our neighbors with suspicion.
Let us resolve not to turn our schools into prisons.
Let us resolve to fuck each other, to the extent that we are allowed.
Let us resolve to be optimistic about the new Star Wars movies.
Let us resolve to remember that God is in our kitchens and bedrooms more than in most churches.
Let us resolve to treat that last resolution metaphorically, if we cannot do so literally.
Let us resolve to be frivolous.
Let us resolve to go outside.
Let us resolve to wallow in filth, just for a little bit, if it's fun filth.
Let us resolve to leave shock and outrage to the falsely pious and the ninnies.
Let us resolve to act like goddamn grownups.
Let us resolve to talk about the stuff we're afraid to talk about.
Let us resolve to make something. Anything. Even just a letter to someone.
Let us resolve to embrace silliness as a means of solving problems.
Let us resolve to allow others to scream at us with impunity.
Let us resolve to remember that we are not alone.
Let us resolve to remember that they can't eat us.
Let us resolve to really celebrate that next poop. If it's a good one.
Let us resolve to admit that nipples are kind of weird, even if they've got nothing on pubes.
Let us resolve not to let being wounded destroy our trust.
Let us resolve not to be a bunch of god damned joiners.
Let us resolve not to trust people with answers.
Let us resolve to trust people with questions.
Let us resolve to trust (clean) data.
Let us resolve to pet something.
Let us resolve to let go.
Let us resolve to figure out what we care about, and then really care about that.
Let us resolve not to fuck each other up.
Let us resolve to weep.
Let us resolve that we will no longer refer to any drink that does not contain gin and vermouth and only gin and vermouth as a "martini".
Let us resolve to remember that cheap things are expensive, especially when they're people.
Let us resolve to never forget that this shit is supposed to be hard.
Let us resolve to say no.
Let us resolve to care fuck all about the expectations of others.
Let us resolve to care very much about their needs.
Let us resolve to climb.
Let us resolve to hold.
Let us resolve to sing. When we are weeping, let us resolve to sing.
Let us resolve to dare to hope.
Let us resolve to say yes.
Let us resolve to agree that Daniel Craig is the best James Bond, yes, including Connery, go fuck yourself.
Let us resolve to go fuck ourselves.
Let us resolve to get better socks and shoes.
Let us resolve to stand up straight.
Let us resolve to hunger.
Let us resolve to chase.
Let us resolve to bask.
Let us resolve to fill ourselves.
Let us resolve to punch 2013 in the taint, but not in a mean way.
Let us resolve to tear it the hell up.
Let us resolve.