A prayer from The Inquisitor's Tale, which is our current bedtime chapter book and one I am feeling hard right now:
..."I think we should pray," Jacob whispered.
"A Jewish prayer or a Christian one?" William asked.
"I don't think it matters," Jacob replied.
Jeanne looked surprised—and then she didn't. She smiled.
So they closed their eyes—and Gwenforte, nestled between Jeanne's legs, sat down—and William said, "O Lord God, we have tried to hear Your voice above the din of other voices. Above the heresy—and even above the orthodoxy. Above the abbots and the masters. Above the knights and even the kings. And though this world is confusing and strange, we believe we have heard Your voice and followed it—followed it here, to this place. Now, please, God, hear us. Help us, watch over us, and protect us as we face the flames of hate. Please God. Please."
And they all said, "Amen."
Uttered moments before Brother Michelangelo di Bologna, bighearted mad bastard that he is, climbed atop what would become a burning heap of illuminated Talmuds and hollered STOP.